Depending on qualification criteria a new Globify customer is limited to a R3000 loan for up to 45days.
After your first loan is successfully paid back in full and on time, you will then be able to qualify for up to R8000!
Clients whose employers are registered with Globify Finance through the payroll system, may qualify for a 3 month payback loan
Payments are made the same day that your loan is approved. Once the process is completed, it can take up to 24hours for the money to appear in your bank account.
It might be quicker depending on the bank you bank with.
We do not pay any customers in cash. We only make payments directly into the same bank account that you use to receive your salary.
You can then draw the cash from your bank account if you need to.
Many other factors are considered when approving a Globify loan, a credit score is just one of them. If we think you will be able to pay back the loan you have applied for we will consider your application.
When you apply for a Globify loan we do a credit check and a relevant financial needs analysis. This enables us to make an informed decision and lend you money even if you have existing debt.
We load a debit order on your account and when you get paid the installment is deducted from your account. You don’t have to worry about making cash deposits or manual payments as everything is done automatically!
If we are not able to work out some form of arrangement with you and you fail to repay your loan, we will be forced to hand your account over to a debt collection agency.
This will mean a mountain of unnecessary costs for you, and it will also negatively impact your chances of qualifying for a loan anywhere else in the future.